Nov 08, 2021 By Libby Simpson, FIRST Education Director

Explore the ways FIRST accomplishes preparing young people for the future through various STEM opportunities. STEM combined with transdisciplinary learning opens opportunities for deeper learning connections and meets students' needs to know and be prepared for the 21st Century world of work.

Learn CAD with Onshape Learning Resources

Nov 05, 2021 Written by McKenzie Brunelle, PTC Education Outreach Programs Coordinator and FRC Team 2648 Alumna

Using CAD software is a great way to design like the pros! Creating your robot digitally first allows you to more carefully plan its design and how you will build it physically. It also allows you to “test” your robot before you even break out the hardware, saving time, money, and resources.

Skill Building Update: Intro to Programming Module

Oct 28, 2021 Written by Libby Simpson, FIRST Director of Education

In my last guest entry for the FIRST® Robotics Competition blog, I explored the need for building transferable and portable skills for life after high school. FIRST® alumni have a host of marketable skills and the first step is building the skill. The FIRST Education team has been collaborating with FIRST Robotics Competition program staff, FIRST mentors, industry partners, WPI, and educators to create a learning module to learn the basics of Java programming. 

Deadline Alerts: First Event Preferencing and Drive Base Opt-out

Oct 18, 2021 Written by Frank Merrick, Director FIRST Robotics Competition

Remember this Wednesday, October 20, at 12 PM (Noon) Eastern Time is the deadline for your first event preference! A Wednesday deadline is a change from typical years, in which the deadline is usually Thursdays (and the change is due to COVID-related challenges).

Dean’s List Award Updates

Oct 15, 2021 Written by Ashley Marie Johnson, FIRST Robotics Competition Program Specialist

We have quite a few updates to announce for the FIRST Robotics Competition Dean’s List Award! Submissions open on Thursday, November 4th at 12:00pm ET and close on Thursday, February 10th at 3:00pm ET.

World Mental Health Day and Events Preferencing

Oct 13, 2021 Written by Frank Merrick, Director FIRST Robotics Competition

October 10th was World Mental Health Day, which is a day to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. FIRST Robotics Competition knows how crucial mental health is to the community so we wanted to take a moment to recognize this important day.

2022 Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship is Open

Oct 08, 2021 Written by FIRST Staff

dr bart kamen scholarship committee and schoars

Now accepting applications for the 2022 Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship. 

This scholarship, created in 2012 in memory of FIRST volunteer and supporter Bart Kamen, is a transportable scholarship for students pursing degrees in pre-med or biomedical engineering. 

Safety Animation Award Theme and Safety Manual

Oct 07, 2021 Written by Ashley Marie Johnson, FIRST Robotics Competition Program Specialist

UL is excited to announce the theme for the 2022 Safety Animation Award: Faster, Farther, SAFER!

Kit of Parts Archive - 2021 Sep. 22 2022| 0 KB

Content Type:


Each season, FIRST Robotics Competition teams receive Kits of Parts (KoP). The KoP is not designed to be a "bolt together" solution to play the game, but is a starting point, containing mostly donated components from Suppliers across multiple industries. For technical information about some of those components, visit the Screensteps repository

FIRST Robotics Competition Suppliers are an incredibly supportive group who are proud to be involved in the hardest fun you'll ever have! Be sure to thank them when you see them at our events!

Please note, the information on this page is staged for the upcoming 2021 GAME CHANGERSSM season. Archived Kit of Parts information season is here

The KoP System consists of three parts, available to teams through a variety of sources:

Kickoff Kit

FIRST Choice

Virtual Kit


Kit of Parts overview


Kit of Parts Timeline: 2021 Season

Key KOP Deadlines

All deadlines are noon, Eastern. 

Virtual Kit: pre-Kickoff voucher release Nov. 19, 2020  Add to Calendar
Kickoff Kit: shipping begins Dec. 2 7, 2020  Add to Calendar
Kickoff Kit: replacement parts system opens Dec. 8, 2020  
Virtual Kit: Kickoff voucher release Jan. 9, 2021  Add to Calendar
FIRST Choice: opens for Priority List creation Jan. 9, 2021  Add to Calendar
FIRST Choice: Priority Lists locked

Jan. 21, 2021

Jan. 22, 2021

 Add to Calendar
FIRST Choice: open ordering opens Feb. 1, 2021  Add to Calendar
FIRST Choice: closed Jun. 21, 2021  Add to Calendar




Kickoff Kit Detail

A box of parts delivered to teams at the start of the season...

The Kickoff Kit consists of items that we pack in totes (mostly in totes, there are typically exceptions for late or big items) and distributed to all teams.

There are two permutations of this: one set of items that go to all teams and a second set of items that goes to 1st year, aka “rookie,” teams. Details are below, and exact contents are listed in checklists, linked accordingly.

  • Every team gets the “Everyone Box(V2, Feb. 16, 2021). It’s 18 in. x 12 in. x 12 in. and weighs 25 lbs.
  • Rookie teams also receive the following:

Missing or Damaged Kickoff Kit Items

One of the first things you do when you receive your Kickoff Kit is to check its contents against the Checklists linked above. If anything is missing or damaged 1) we’re so sorry! and 2) you need to let us know and we’ll make it right.

The process we use to get information from you is built into the registration system and available starting today. Please know and understand that we will not process requests that don’t use this system.

Kits are shipped on a rolling basis this year, so it’s not appropriate to issue a single due date for missing/damaged parts reports. Instead, the due date is specific to your team and is five business days from your Kickoff Kit delivery date (e.g. FedEx tracking says your kit was delivered on December 15, your report must be submitted on or before December 22).

To report anything missing or damaged:

  1. Your Lead Coach/Mentor 1 or 2 logs in to your team’s account.
  2. Click on the “Payments and Product” drop down menu and select “Order Replacement Parts”

  1. Enter the shipping information for where you’d like the replacement parts sent.
  2. Use the “Subkit Container” filter to navigate to the parts you need to report.
  3. Click the “Add” button for the item that’s missing/damaged.
  4. Specify the quantity missing/damaged, include an explanation, and click “Save.”  The list will auto save when you add an item, so you can come back to it later.
  5. Once your list is complete, hit “Submit Request.” You can only submit once, and you must Submit within five business days of receiving your Kickoff Kit.




FIRST Choice Detail

Items available via an online menu in exchange for credits issued to all teams...



Teams get items from FIRST Choice using either the Priority List system or via a traditional "open" ordering process. 

Key dates are listed in the timeline above and embedded in the flowchart below.

FIRST Choice Flowchart:

Priority Lists

FIRST and AndyMark use a priority list system to invite teams to indicate what they'd like and distribute items in a way that doesn't result in a mad cyber rush to get to high value inventory that a typical first-come, first-serve model does.

Here's how it works:

  1. Each team makes a list & updates shipping detail. A team creates a Priority List (a prioritized list of FIRST Choice items that a team would like) in their FIRST Choice account, and the lists are locked at a specific time/date (see timeline above). Shipping charges will apply (you'll see an initial authorization charge, amount varies depending on the shipping method chosen, but it's not actually a charge to the card; once the order is packed and shipped, the actual charge will be applied to the card on file), and a billing address, a shipping address, and credit card information must be provided before creating your Priority List. Additional charges may apply for international teams, for which the team is responsible, and AndyMark will address on a case by case basis.
    • Login information for the FIRST Choice site will be posted in each team’s registration account on Kickoff day and will be viewable by lead mentors 1 and 2 (look for "FIRST Choice credentials" in the "Current Passwords/Voucher Codes" menu). 
    • Only teams who have registered as 2021 event participants or have secured payment will have access to their login information, and thus only those teams will be able to create and submit a Priority List.
    • Priority Lists will be created using (and only accepted via) the Priority List feature on the FIRST Choice site.
    • Priority Lists are saved each time the user adds an item to their Priority List or clicks "Update" on the Priority List View after making edits (letting teams add, subtract, and reprioritize items until the deadline).
    • Upon the deadline, any existing Priority Lists are locked, processed, and no additional changes may be made (we strongly encourage you complete your list at least a day before the due date to avoid unexpected delays or surprises).
    • If you feel overwhelmed by the options, there are sample lists like “pneumatics” or “vision” available for quick selection. You can select a sample list for your priority list – or use it to get started and edit/customize as you see fit. There are options on each list to Add to your current list or clear your existing list and start fresh, so use caution when clicking.
    • Any priority list submitted by a team that has not secured 2021 payment with FIRST by noon (eastern time), Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021 will be discarded before lists are ported in to the auto draft system (please anticipate at least one business day for registration payment to be processed and the updated status to be relayed to AndyMark).
  2. AndyMark randomly ranks lists. After lists are locked, each list with at least one item is assigned a random rank (the order in which individual teams complete their Priority Lists before the deadline does not affect their rank). 
  3. Items are assigned. In rank order, AndyMark’s auto draft system queries the team’s highest priority item and, provided the team has the credits and FIRST Choice has the inventory, issue the item to the team. This applies to each Priority List line item as ranked. If the team doesn't have enough Credits to cover the entire amount (but at least one) or FIRST Choice inventory doesn't have the entire quantity (but at least one), the team will get as many as their credits/FIRST Choice inventory allow. If credits or inventory can’t cover one, it will move on to the next ranked item so the team is not skipped for that round. Once the draft system gets to the last ranked Priority List, the draft system will query that last Priority List’s next item and work its way back up the ranks (for Teams that know how we’ve done Alliance Selection in the past, this serpentine process probably seems familiar). This draft continues until inventory’s gone or Priority Lists are exhausted. Inventory is then updated for the next phase of FIRST Choice. We will not publicly publish teams’ Priority Lists, the assigned rankings, or final order contents.
  4. AndyMark ships your order!

Open Ordering

The open ordering phase of FIRST Choice is a traditional first-come, first-serve ordering process. Teams add items to their carts and check-out using credits remaining after the priority list phases. 

Still not sure how this all looks? Hopefully How to FIRST Choice can help...




Virtual Kit Detail

The 2021 Virtual Kit Catalog (printed copy in each Kickoff Kit and online here, one-page checklist is here) includes details about almost all Virtual Kit items confirmed as of fall, 2020 (note, this page gets updated so it takes precedence for any differences between here and the content in the voucher book).  


Product Donation Vouchers


  Consider using for...
Thank you... for... which expires on...
Armabot RS7 encoder Apr 30, 21 Add to Calendar            
AutomationDirect $35.00 Aug 31, 21 Add to Calendar  
Clippard $20.00 Dec 21, 21 Add to Calendar            
Digi-Key Electronics $50.00 Sep 30, 21 Add to Calendar     electronic components
Innovation First/Vex $50.00 May 31, 21 Add to Calendar  
Next Gen Robots motor heatsink May 31, 21 Add to Calendar           heatsinking
REV Robotics $50.00 Jun 30, 21 Add to Calendar  
RoboPromo 8 iron on FIRST logos May 1, 21 Add to Calendar             bumpers
Swyft Robotics 10 x ½in. hex bearings Apr 30, 21 Add to Calendar           any ½ in. hex shaft
TE Connectivity $25.00 Sep 30, 21 Add to Calendar  
Vulcan Spring 6 constant force springs Dec 31, 21 Add to Calendar             springs


  Consider using for...
Thank you... for... which expires on... Other
Adobe Creative Cloud Membership

Nov 19, 21

Oct 1, 21

Add to Calendar           Video Prod., Graphic Des., Web Publishing
Altium 1-yr Altium Designer Dec 31, 21 Add to Calendar                
AWS $100 in AWS credits Dec 31, 21 Add to Calendar                
AWS AWS Educate Learning Content Dec 31, 21 Add to Calendar                
Autodesk Autodesk 3D Design Software Access n/a Virtual Practice Field
DriveWorks DriveWorks Solo Dec 31, 21 Add to Calendar           SOLIDWORKS plug in
Mastercam Educational Suite Oct 31, 21 Add to Calendar        
MathWorks MATLAB, Simulink access Jun 30, 21 Add to Calendar          
NI LabVIEW + Add-Ons Jan 15, 22 Add to Calendar          
Onshape CAD software Sep 1, 21 Add to Calendar                
PTC PTC Software Sep 1, 21 Add to Calendar             AI
Siemens SolidEdge (student edition) Dec 30, 21 Add to Calendar           5GB of cloud storage
Siemens Certification Exam Dec 30, 21 Add to Calendar                 Certification
SolidProfessor Individual Annual Membership Nov 14, 21 Add to Calendar         Certification
SOLIDWORKS 3D Design Software Suite Jul 21, 22 Add to Calendar      
Tableau Data analysis & prep sw Aug 31, 21 Add to Calendar                 Data Analysis
Upverter Schematic & PDB sw Dec 31, 21 Add to Calendar              
Wolfram* Computation Software Jun 1, 21 Add to Calendar           Data Analysis


Additional Detail...



What: One Adobe Creative Cloud Membership (for full information, visit Adobe's Education page)
Expires: Nov. 19, 2021 Oct. 1, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: 
  1. Lead Mentor 1 or 2 designates one “Adobe Creative Cloud Mentor" in the team's registration account.
  • Log in to your Dashboard at
  • Click on the blue “Primary Contacts” link located under the Team Contacts/Roster column
  • Select Adobe Creative Cloud Mentor as the Contact type, enter full name and email address
  • Click “Send Invitation”
  1. Designated "Adobe Creative Cloud Mentor" is notified via an email from FIRST and accepts the nomination.
  2. Adobe then provisions Creative Cloud All Apps (Education version) to the "Adobe Creative Cloud Mentor’s" AdobeID and confirms via email to the "Adobe Creative Cloud Mentor" with further instructions.
  3. Create!
Note: If you receive other Adobe software from your school or work, you may need to choose “Personal account” when logging in to Creative Cloud.




What: One-year Altium Designer student license
Altium is excited to support FIRST®, committed to providing every designer and engineer with tools to enable you to turn your ideas into products in the easiest and
most productive way.
  • Altium Designer consists of all the tools required to produce a PCB from concept to manufacturing.
  • A PCB development platform supplying both the electrical and mechanical view.
  • Integrated access to over a hundred suppliers makes it easy to select the best part for your design.
  • Up to five student licenses per team
Expires: Dec. 31, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: Go to Altium's FRC page and fill out the form.


Amazon Web Services

What: $100 in AWS Promotional Credits for cloud computing & AWS Educate Leaning Content
  • AWS Promotional Credits provide access to:
    • AWS Educate's cloud career pathways, with 30+ hours of content, assessments, and projects personalized to your chosen cloud career path, like Solutions Architect, Data Scientist, and Software Developer.
    • Specialty Badges in specializations like AWS RoboMaker, Amazon Alexa, AWS for Gaming and more.
    • a Machine Learning Classroom where you can learn how to use Amazon SageMaker.
    • micro-credentials like AWS Educate Certificates of Completion and AWS Educate Badges
    • AWS Technical Essentials online training course
    • Access to AWS Educate Job Board with jobs and internships from Amazon and our partner companies (for students 18+)
Expires: Dec. 31, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: 
  • Mentors, please reference the Mentor Onboarding Guide (updated February 9, 2021). We encourage mentors to register first and then invite their students via the AWS Educate Classroom. 
  • Students, please reference the Student Onboarding Guide.
  • When applying, please be sure to select “FIRST” as your institution.
  • The application review process can take up to 48 hours, so make sure you register ahead of time.
  • Need help? Contact AWS Educate Support



What: One (1) RS7 Encoder (shipping not included)
  • Valid for purchase of one RS7 encoder individually or a multiple product order that includes one RS7 encoder. Limit one per FIRST® Robotics Competition
  • Limit one per FIRST Robotics Competition team.
  • Must be registered for the 2021 robotics season.
  • Voucher not transferable to other people or teams.
Expires: Apr 30, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account
To Access: 
  1. Go to
  2. Select 1 or more RS7 encoders (first unit free with this voucher)
  3. Enter your valid code from the FIRST® team registration system
  4. Enter shipping and billing information
  5. Place order and wait for arrival (3-5 days in continental USA)
  6. Installation instructions at
  7. Technology tutorial for encoder implementation at



What: 3D Design Software Access
  • Autodesk® Fusion 360® – This 3D CAD/CAM tool for PC, Mac, and Chromebooks enables robot designs, assemblies, photorealistic renderings, fabrication, and team collaboration.
  • Autodesk® Inventor® – With this professional software, teams can produce 3D models that help with the design and visualization of the robot.
  • Synthesis: An Autodesk® Technology – Features virtual practice fields to test your robot CAD models for driver practice, code emulation, strategy and more with this robotics simulator. 
  • Autodesk® EAGLETM – Bring your next spark of an idea to life with powerful PCB design software made for every engineer.
  • Autodesk® Tinkercad® – Use Tinkercad Circuits environment to program and simulate an Arduino board for use on your robot.
  • Autodesk® 3ds Max® – With modeling, rendering, and animation capabilities, 3ds Max is an ideal solution for animation.
Expires: n/a
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: Visit Autodesk's dedicated page for everything FIRST Robotics Competition including CAD data sets of the Kit of Parts and playing field, Tutorials, and access to Autodesk software.

Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, 3ds Max, Eagle, Fusion 360, Inventor, and Tinkercad are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2019 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

What: $35.00 at (shipping not included)
Expires: Aug. 31, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account
To Access: IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS - We cannot apply the discount AFTER you place an order! 
  1. Obtain your voucher code from your team's FIRST registration account
  2. Login OR create a new account here.
  3. Then visit the our FRC page to enter your voucher code. This will enable a one-time $35 credit for your account.

Some Restrictions Apply: 

  • Orders must be placed online. No ‘call-in’ orders.
  • Stock items ordered by 6:00pm EST will ship next day. 
  • Orders must ship to a US or Canadian address.
  • Credit card billing address must also be US or Canadian. 
  • The voucher cannot be used towards shipping fees.
  • Orders under $49 are shipped via 2-day service to US addresses for a flat rate of $10 (a credit card will be required to pay for shipping).
  • Orders to Canada will incur brokerage fees.
  • Larger orders may qualify for FREE two-day shipping see this site for details.
  • This voucher cannot be used to pay sales tax. A credit card (or PayPal) will be required to pay any applicable taxes. If your team/organization is tax exempt, you can submit appropriate documentation online during checkout.



What: $20.00 at
Expires: Dec. 31, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account and the 2021 Virtual Kit Catalog in your Kickoff Kit (and online here)
To Access: 
  • Simply visit to select your products.
  • PLEASE NOTE: You must create an account AND be logged in for the voucher to be validated.
  • For technical assistance, please contact Clippard at 1-877-245-6247.


Digi-Key Electronics

What: $50.00 of components from Digi-Key's webpage
  • Good for a one time use (which includes free shipping). Any amount not utilized in your initial transaction will be forfeited.
  • Taxes not included.
Expires: Sep. 30, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: 
  • Go to Digi-Key's FIRST webpage 
  • Click on the $50 Product Voucher 
  • Enter your team information
  • Create your order
  • The voucher will not display on the total of your order, but will be subtracted from your order during processing.
  • Good for purchase of components at
  • Taxes not included
  • Good for one-time use; any amount not utilized in your initial transaction will be forfeited.


DriveWorks Ltd

What: One (1) year license of DriveWorks Solo Design Automation Software requested by a team leader.
FIRST® teams can request a license of DriveWorks Solo Design Automation Software for a period of one (1) year.
License includes access to FREE online learning resources which include DriveWorks Solo Online Training webinars, How to Videos, Help Files and other learning resources.

Must be registered for the 2021 Robotics Season. License is non-transferable to another team.

DriveWorks Solo allows engineers and students to quickly and easily create and configure variations of your SOLIDWORKS models directly inside of SOLIDWORKS.
DriveWorks Solo is a powerful SOLIDWORKS Automation Tool. It allows teams to automate their SOLIDWORKS parts, assemblies and detailed drawings.
  • Control Dimensions, features, custom properties, advanced feature parameters, instances and file formats.
  • Dynamically replace components.
  • Create a library of components using intelligent file reuse.
Expires: Dec. 31, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access:
  • Visit DriveWorks' dedicated FIRST webpage to submit your request for a license of DriveWorks Solo. 
  • Once on the website, you will be asked to complete and submit a “Request a License” form.
  • Upon completion of this form, we will review for completion, process and once approved you will receive detailed instructions on how to download and install the software.
  • Product support and assistance provided to Team Leader by DriveWorks Ltd. via email to



Innovation First, Inc.

What: $50 at
xpires: May 31, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account
To Access: Enter team's code upon checkout to apply voucher.



What: One free license of the Mastercam 2021 Educational Suite. It includes your choice of Mastercam or Mastercam for SOLIDWORKS. 
  • Mastercam is a CAD/CAM software that can be used to both design products and program the processes to manufacture parts, specifically on CNC machines. Mastercam generates toolpaths that drive machine tools to turn designs into physical parts. 
Expires: Oct. 31, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: Please fill out the required information on this registration page. Once we receive your request, an email will be sent with your activation code and instructions on downloading Mastercam.




  • Software license to over 50 products, including:
    • MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Simscape, MATLAB Coder, Robotics System Toolbox, Navigation Toolbox, Control System Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox, Computer Vision Toolbox, Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox and more
  • Links to free, 2-hour online courses to get started with MATLAB and Simulink
  • Tutorials, videos, and examples for students participating in robotics competitions
Expires: Jun. 30, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: Please visit MathWorks' FIRST page.



Next Gen Robots


What: CIM Cooler 180 or 775 Cooler 360 
Expires: May 31, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account
To Access: Start at the Next Gen Robot website, add the preferred item to your cart, and apply your coupon code at checkout. Voucher can be redeemed for one CIM Cooler 180 (an $8.00 value) or one 775 Cooler 360 (an $8.00 value), but products can be purchased in any combination and multiple amounts of the CIM or 775 Coolers. After applying the coupon code during checkout, the total will be less $8.00.
  1. Be sure to email email us with your Lead Mentor name, team number, and code found in the Team Registration System so that we can make sure that your code is active! 
  2. Once confirmed, enter the code from step 1 into "Coupon code" on your order and the discount will appear during checkout. Do not "Checkout as guest."
  3. Before submitting the order, make sure the discount has been applied to the total. If the discount is not showing, try clicking "view cart" and reapply the code. 




What: LabVIEW Software
  • This license also provides access to more than a dozen LabVIEW add-ons, NI Mutisim for SPICE simulations, and NI Ultiboard for PCB design.
Expires: Jan. 15, 2022
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account
To Access:
  1. Access your team’s serial number - have your Lead Mentor 1 or 2 log in to your team’s account from the FIRST website to access your serial number by clicking on "Passwords/Voucher Codes."
  2. Download software - get NI LabVIEW for FIRST Robotics Competition via the FIRST Robotics Competition Resource Hub.
  3. Learn and Earn - learn LabVIEW with free online training and earn skills badges at our dedicated FRC page.



What: Onshape CAD software, access to the Onshape Education Plan, and full access to the Learning Center.
Expires: Sep. 1, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: 




What: PTC CAD and collaboration software
  • Vuforia® ChalkTM - application to facilitate AR remote assistance between team members
  • Creo - 3D CAD software
  • Mathcad - software for engineering calculations
Expires: Sep. 1, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: 


REV Robotics

What: $50.00 at (shipping not included)
Expires: Jun. 30, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account
To Access: Enter the code you receive as a "gift card" during the checkout process. More instructions will be posted on our FRC Voucher page


What: Set of eight (8) white iron-on FIRST logos (shipping not included)
Expires: May 1, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account
To Access: Go to and enter the access code at checkout (include team number) to receive (1) pack of (8) iron-on logos: 3.75” x 5”. Available to FIRST® Robotics Competition Teams only, one order per team. 



  • SolidEdge 3D CAD Software academic licenses.
  • Solid Edge certification exam (for FIRST team members, Siemens will waive the usual $25.00 fee)
Expires: Dec. 31, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: 



What: One (1) free individual annual membership to SolidProfessor
  • With this voucher, your team will receive one free individual annual membership to SolidProfessor, giving you access to SolidProfessor’s online CAD and CAM courses to help your team become more efficient designers. Each course is organized into short, expert-guided lessons including practice exercises and exams that make learning CAD and CAM easier than ever. Plus, when students successfully complete a course, they can earn a Technical Certificate.
Expires: Nov. 14, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: 
  1. Visit the SolidProfessor FIRST Robotics web page and fill out the short form.
  2. Within a week, a SolidProfessor team member will set up your free membership and reach out to you at the email address provided with information about how to access your account. 



What: SOLIDWORKS 3D Design Software Suite


Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation wants to help you develop the engineers and innovators of tomorrow. That is why we are pleased to sponsor your FIRST team. Student teams now have the choice of using our SOLIDWORKS desktop product, which includes over twelve powerful design, and engineering products or the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, a cloud-based portfolio of integrated tools and apps. Teams can apply for both sponsorships separately if they choose.
Expires: Jul., 21, 2022
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: Interested student teams should complete our online application at our FIRST specific page.



Swyft Robotics

What: Ten (10) ½ in. hex bearings, BRG-1001
  • Order must be shipped to a US address
  • Credit card must be issued by a US or Canadian bank.
  • Limit one set per FIRST® Robotics Competition Team.
  • Must be registered for the 2021 robotics season.
  • Voucher not transferable to other people or teams.
  • Shipping not included 
Expires: Apr. 30, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account
To Access: 
  1. Go to our FIRST voucher page 
  2. Enter your valid code from the FIRST® team registration system 
  3. Enter shipping and billing information 
  4. Place the order and wait for the arrival



What: One (1) copy of Tableau Desktop & Tableau Prep
  • Complimentary access to Tableau Desktop, data analysis and visualization, and Tableau Prep for data preparation.
  • Visualize your data. Quickly answer questions. Play better defense, pick alliance partners, analyze robot performance, target your fundraising, and reduce inventory waste.
Expires: Aug. 31, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account (please don't share your key with anyone outside your team)
To Access: Visit our FIRST specific page to get started.


TE Connectivity

What: $25.00 at
Expires: Sep. 30, 2021
Access Codes: n/a
To Access: Visit our FIRST specific page to get started. Please include your team number on the order.


What: Upverter schematic and PCB design software (browser based)
Expires: Dec. 31, 2021
Access Codes: n/a, open to all leads and team members. 
To Access: 
  • Visit Upverter's FIRST page to get started. 
  • Sign up for your free account.
  • Invite collaborators.
  • Start building.


Vulcan Spring

What: 6 springs from a select list (includes shipping w/in the US and Canada, limited one order per team per year)
Expires: Dec. 31, 2021
Access Codes: provided in the Vulcan Spring packet in the Kickoff Kit box to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account, please disregard any codes distributed via the packets, they've been invalidated (updated January 26, 2021)
To Access: Visit to get started. Orders limited to one per team per year.

Wolfram Research

What: One year of Wolfram|One, Wolfram SystemModeler, and Wolfram|Alpha Pro
Expires: Jun. 1, 2021
Access Codes: Available to Lead Mentors 1 & 2 in the team's registration account and printed in the 2021 Voucher Catalog included in the Kickoff Kit.
To Access: Visit to get started. 

2022 Season Teaser, Single-Day Events, Kit of Parts

Oct 06, 2021 Written by Frank Merrick, Director FIRST Robotics Competition & Kate Pilotte, Senior Kit of Parts Manager

In case you missed it, the first episode of the 2022 FIRST Robotics Competition season teaser has been released. Yep, I said the first episode! More episodes to follow, the next being released on October 27, 2021.