How to Reengage Students by Reinvigorating Your FIRST Program

Oct 05, 2021 By Libby Simpson, Director of Education, and Vinnie Rodino, Director of School Engagement

COVID-19 interrupted student learning. Now hands-on education is more important than ever to engage young people in STEM through team-based, project-based learning. We share ways to grow or reinvigorate evidence-based FIRST robotics programs where funding opportunities are available.

Software Positions in FRC Engineering

Oct 04, 2021 Written by Matt Pilotte, FIRST Robotics Competition Senior Electrical Engineering Manager

The FIRST Robotics Competition team is hiring, and we are looking for TWO highly motivated individuals to join us on the Engineering team working on software development!

FIRST Tech Challenge Translated Documentation Oct. 17 2023| 0 KB

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The translated documentation on this page is provided as a reference for teams. Accuracy of the translation is not verified by FIRST. Please note that the official and current version written in English is available on our Game and Season Materials page.





Game Manual Part 1 - Traditional

Game Manual Part 2 - Traditional




Game Manual Part 1 - Traditional

Game Manual Part 2 - Traditional

Game Manual Part 1 - Remote

Game Manual Part 2 - Remote

Inspire the Future: FIRST Educators Recognition Program Opens for Nominations

Sep 29, 2021 By Libby Simpson, FIRST Director of Education

The FIRST community is full of dedicated, inspirational teachers. “Recognition” is not only part of our name but core to our ethos; that’s why we've introduced the Inspire the Future: FIRST Educators Recognition Program. FIRST Education Director Libby Simpson shares how you can nominate an educator.

Innovation and Intellectual Property Resources Oct. 26 2021| 0 KB

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To help you with your innovation process, we’ve cataloged our past work with Strategic Partners, sponsors, and other innovation leaders to share helpful innovation and intellectual property tips and resources. 

FIRST teams working on innovations or product designs may find these archived webinar episodes from the FIRST Innovation Challenge presented by Qualcomm helpful. FIRST hosted an expert educational series featuring conversations with innovators. 

Design, Innovation Process, Product Development  

Business Models

Innovation Careers and Real-World Innovation Examples

Innovation Tips - from FIRST Teams and Professionals

Entrepreneurship and Business Models 

  • A business model canvas is not required for the Global Innovation Award, but using this tool for any product development is a valuable step, especially as you consider implementation factors for your product.  Here is a short video describing the business model canvas as a tool. 
  • The MARS Discovery District in Ontario has lots of information about entrepreneurship that could be valuable to innovative teams thinking about making their inventions a reality, like  Business Model DesignHow to Build a Great Pitch, and more.
  • Business Models Inc. is an inspiring source of learning about Business Models and have a wealth of business design tools online.

Intellectual Property Education and Resources

Intellectual Property (IP) is an important part of inventing.  The World Intellectual Property Organization has a helpful guide to start your learning called: What is Intellectual Property?  Additionally, FIRST works with the United States Patent and Trademark Office of Education and Outreach, who have put together this educational video for all FIRST teams, as well as the resources below.

General Intellectual Property Resources:


From the USPTO:

  • Patent Resources:
    • Video: Roadmap to Filing a Patent Application
    • USPTO patent search help
    • USPTO Kids Pages
    • Basic Questions? Contact the USPTO Inventor Assistance Center (IAC).  The USPTO has a hotline that inventors can call; it does not provide legal advice but can answer questions on rules and applications.
    • Filing a Provisional Patent (recommended for all FIRST LEGO League Global Innovation Award Semi-Finalists)
    • Pro-Se Assistance Program The Pro Se Assistance Program provides outreach and education to applicants (also known as "pro se" applicants) who file patent applications without the assistance of a registered patent attorney or agent. USPTO employees cannot give legal advice. However, through increased assistance and resources for independent inventor and small business communities, the program aims to increase the quality of pro se applications and assist pro se applicants with making informed decisions regarding their patent applications.
  • Finding free or reduced fee legal assistance with patent filing in the United States:
    • Meet with a librarian (in-person or virtually) at a Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC). PTRC locations by state.
    • USPTO Pro-Bono program - Inventors and small businesses that meet certain financial thresholds and other criteria may be eligible for free legal assistance in preparing and filing a patent application.  Pro Bono coverage map for US.
    • USPTO Law School Clinics – The Law School Clinic Certification program allows law students enrolled in a participating law school's clinic program to practice Intellectual Property Law before the USPTO under the strict guidance of a Law School Faculty Clinic Supervisor.  

2022 Beta Testing

Sep 24, 2021 Written by Kevin O'Connor, Senior Robotics Engineer, FIRST Robotics Competition

As all of you start gearing up for the 2022 season, the Control System Team is gearing up too! With the new REV Robotics control system devices and the roboRIO 2.0 both debuting this season, WPILib will have a few more breaking changes than a typical season.

A Potpourri of 2022 Season Information

Sep 21, 2021 Written by Frank Merrick, Director FIRST Robotics Competition

Please be sure to read this recent Inspire blog by Chris Rake, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for FIRST.

The 2022 FIRST Scholarship Program is LIVE

Sep 18, 2021 Written by FIRST Staff

Scholarship Program

Sep 17, 2021 Written by Michelle Long, FIRST Director of Alumni Relations

Michelle Long from FIRST HQ here! In my role as Director of Alumni Relations, I get to work with folks like Frank and the FIRST Robotics Competition team to help make sure that FIRST is about more than just your time on a team.

FIRST Reveals New, Hands-On Challenge to Inspire Tens of Thousands of Students Worldwide to be Creative Problem-Solvers with FIRST Tech Challenge FREIGHT FRENZY Presented by Raytheon Technologies

Thousands of Student Robotics Teams Will Collaborate to Build a Cargo-Delivering Robot to Traverse Rough Terrain During the 2021-2022 Season: FIRST FORWARDSM Presented by Qualcomm