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At FIRST LEGO League events, students showcase their new skills while:
- sharing ideas,
- creatively solving problems,
- interacting with new technology,
- having fun,
- and making new friends.
Official FIRST events in your area may be offered in traditional or remote formats. The remote event experience will be as close as possible to a traditional event for teams and volunteers, with the necessary modifications to accommodate a remote environment.
FIRST Program Delivery Partners are your local program contacts and manage the events in your area. Event formats and timing for the 2024-2025 season will be determined by your Program Delivery Partner. Some partners may charge an additional event fee, which is not included in team registration.
Search for your Program Delivery Partner.
Event Hub
If your FIRST LEGO League event is utilizing the FIRST Event Hub, please access the website at: eventhub.firstinspires.org. The Event Hub is intended for FIRST coaches, mentors, and volunteers. Contact your local Program Delivery Partner if you require login credentials or experience technical difficulties.
FIRST Event Safety/Emergency Response Best Practices Checklist
The FIRST Event Safety/Emergency Response Best Practices Checklist is a document that includes considerations for best practices for event safety and emergency response. While not all will be necessary for all events, Event Planners should consider these items as part of the planning process.
Division Event Experience:
FIRST LEGO League Challenge:
FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams prepare all season to compete at tournaments, where judges provide valuable feedback on their robot, code, and Innovation Project. The final test of their work comes at the Robot Game table, where they race against the clock for a personal best score and the chance to advance to a local championship.
Opens are international, invitation-only events. Program Delivery Partners from around the world select teams to advance to these events based on Champion's Award criteria.
2025 Opens List
FIRST LEGO League Explore:
The FIRST LEGO League Explore season ends with festivals, where students showcase their team models and posters and share what they’ve learned with volunteers, friends, and family.
A festival can be as simple as a meeting of a team, families, and friends to share what was learned during the season. Larger festivals offer teams an opportunity to share and learn from one another.
FIRST LEGO League Discover:
FIRST LEGO League Discover closes with a school-based celebration event, where students work with other teams to solve a final collaborative challenge, demonstrating for friends and family the skills and concepts they’ve learned.