FIRST Robotics Competition Blog

FIRST Championship News and Reminders

Jan 16, 2020 Written by Frank Merrick.


FIRST Championship News


2020 FIRST Championship logo FIRST Robotics Competition

As you may have heard, we’re making some changes to FIRST Championship. See the info here. Rather than relocating to a different venue for the Einstein final matches, we will be playing them in the same place earlier matches are played. This means that FIRST Championship will be ending earlier than it has in recent years. We should be ending not later than 6 PM Saturday at both locations.


Also, we are eliminating the concept of subdivisions. You may have already picked up on this change in the Tournament section of the INFINITE RECHARGE rules. All named fields that were subdivisions last season are now divisions. And since we give out a full set of awards (excluding Chairman’s Award) at the division level, yep, we’re nearly doubling the number of teams that will be earning awards at Championship! With each division being about the same size as our very largest Regionals, we felt this was completely appropriate. Also, this more easily allows us to make another change – presenting the awards Friday night rather than Saturday morning. This frees up some time Saturday morning on what will be a jam-packed day. But don’t worry! Alliance selection will still be Saturday morning as it has been in the past, so you can still spend the time you need Friday night to prepare. Also happening Saturday – the three Chairman’s Award finalists and the winner from among those three will be announced.


We hope to see you at the 2020 FIRST Championship!



Several key openings or deadlines coming up!


FIRST Choice open ordering starts at 12:00 PM (Noon) Eastern Time on Friday, January 17. Details can be found here. Keep in mind this is first-come-first-served!


Digital Animation Award sponsored by is due 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, January 23. Details here.


Chairman's Award and Woodie Flowers Award deadlines are 3:00 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, February 6. Learn more here.


Dean's List Award deadline is 3:00 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, February 13. Check it out.


Best of luck to all teams submitting!



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When will Safety Animation award be announced?


We will be posting the Safety Animation winners soon! Thanks for asking!

Jamee Luce

Team Advocate, FIRST Robotics Competition

When will the Animation Contest winners be announced?



Hello Michael!

You can find the Safety Animation Award Winner here:

You can find the Digital Animation Award Winner here:


Jamee Luce

Team Advocate, FIRST Robotics Competition

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