FIRST Robotics Competition Blog

Help Your Neighbors and Downloadable Content Pack 3

Nov 22, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.


Help Your Neighbors

Now is a great time to reach out to teams you know in your area for a check-in. Do they need any support? How is the student recruiting going? And, even more fundamentally, are they even planning to participate in the 2017 season? I hope they are! We have what may just be an epic game on tap, but even if people think the game is ‘meh’, veteran teams not joining us for the 2017 season will still miss out on all the other things FIRST Robotics Competition has to offer. Did I mention earlier (I think I did!) that we’re now up to $40 Million in college scholarships available? That’s some serious cheddar, no matter how it’s sliced.

So please, reach out, and make the connection. People want to know that others care, and you can be the one to make the FIRST STEAMWORKS season just a little better for a team that needs a hand.


Downloadable Content Pack 3

In this blog, we asked teams for their creative submissions for possible inclusion in the upcoming Downloadable Content (DLC) Pack 3. We’ve received a few submissions, but would love to see more! For this reason, we’re extending the deadline for submission to Monday, December 5th. Please send those submissions to If you are a team in the United States, I’m pretty sure you’ve got some time off around the Thanksgiving Holiday this week, how about putting some of it to creative use? Full details in the original blog.



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Could the third DLC pack be added to the page with the other DLC at:

Hi Owen!

Yes! We will add the third DLC Pack to that page when it gets published. Right now, we are still looking for community submissions for that, so if you are interested, you can send ideas to



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