2019 Awards Update

Oct 19, 2018 Written by Cindy Stong & Allen Bancroft, Co-Chief Judge Advisors.

Important updates about the Awards for the 2019 season from our Co-Chief Judge Advisors!

China Update

Oct 17, 2018 Written by Frank Merrick.

Information about the recent changes in the 2019 Chinese Regional Competitions.

Don’t Miss the Train! And Beta Test Teams

Oct 16, 2018 Written by Frank Merrick.

Be sure to enter your Second Event Preferences before Noon ET on Thursday, October 18! And congratulations to the 2019 Control System Beta Test Teams!

FIRST Alum Spotlight: Hans Mueller

Oct 16, 2018 Written by Hans Mueller, FIRST Alum

FIRST Alum Hans Mueller began building hands-on experience and exploring his passion for STEM on a FIRST LEGO League team in third grade.

So Many Choices! And a ‘new’ Original and Sustaining team?

Oct 11, 2018 Written by Frank Merrick.

Second Event Preference is now open! Plus, a new member of the Original & Sustaining Teams!

How Working in Space Taught Me to See Home Differently

Oct 04, 2018 Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada

In celebration of all the ways space unites the world – and FIRST – this World Space Week, we’re sharing an inspiring story from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, about her experience working on international collaborations as an astronaut on the ISS.

A Series of Open Kit of Parts Letters

Oct 01, 2018 Written by Kate Pilotte, Kit of Parts Manager

Each season, FIRST Robotics Competition teams receive Kits of Parts (KoP). The KoP has three parts available to teams through a variety of sources; the Kickoff Kit, FIRST Choice, and the Virtual Kit.

Initial Event Assignment Results and Registration for Teams who Missed the First Round

Sep 28, 2018 Written by Frank Merrick.

First Event Preference Selection has finished! For those who missed the First Event Selection Process, it's now time for you to sign up for an Event! Get your selections done now!