FIRST Robotics Competition Blog

Name The Planet Contest

Jul 17, 2018 Written by Frank Merrick.


Name The Planet Logo 2019 FIRST Robotics Competition

FIRST Robotics Competition needs your help naming the planet for the upcoming 2019 season! This is your team’s chance to make a permanent contribution to DESTINATION: DEEP SPACE. Check out the full details here.


How sweet would it be to see the planet name your team came up with in the season teaser and manual? In the universally agreed-upon and objective scale of sweetness, this one would rate as ‘pretty.’ So let’s see those submissions!



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Primis (Latin for FIRST) 

Hi Kelly! Thanks for the suggestion, but please submit your suggestion through our official submission process. You can find that information here: Thanks!


For next year's game, can you make the scoring elements have names starting with different letters? I still can't keep switch vs scale straight.

Thanks for the suggestion!

I'd like the planet 'Valitech' as a surprise for my younger brother if possible.

Hi Logan! Thanks for the suggestion, but please submit your suggestion through our official submission process. You can find that information here: Thanks!


Hello, my team and I are in contact with each other but are not in contact with our coaches over the summer, so instead of using our coach's name and and email, can we use our school name and email?

Hi Andrew! Great question! Please send an email to and we will reply with a solution for you! Thanks! Jamee

The form shows the contact fields. What are the questions on the next page(s) so we can prepare for them in advance?

Great Question! There are only two pages to the survey questionnaire. On the first page, as you've found, are the four (4) contact information responses. In order to ensure that we're not still sifting through submissions in January (we've got a game to finish designing after all!), we've asked for only one submission per team. On the second page are the three (3) actual planet submission responses - where you can provide us (1) your actual Suggested Planet Name, (2) A pronunciation guide (see the link on the first page, the link is repeated on the second page in case you need it there too), and (3) one or two sentences to support/explain your Suggested Planet Name. Items (2) and (3) are optional, but highly recommended if your Suggested Planet Name isn't immediately obvious in both pronunciation and intent. Hope that helps!

Monty , monto or phontos which mean Greek god is the sea and it fits well with the Greek god names 

Phoenix Zauber

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