Official Event Results -- Follow Your Favorite Teams!
Mar 03, 2016 Written by Alex Herreid FIRST Robotics Competition Jr. Software Engineer.
Last week Danny gave you a preview of the new Audience Screens that you’ll see at your events this competition season. This week, we want to show you something else we have available this competition season- our new Events Results pages. Turns out, they’ve been available for a couple of weeks now, but we want to highlight them as we head into the Week 1 events. At all official events, the Field Management System (FMS) sends data about the event to FIRST’s servers in real-time and we make that data available on both our webpages and our API. We’re not going to talk in detail about our API, but you can find details here.
The only official source of results from FIRST Robotics Competition events can be found at this website.

Starting in 2016, these pages are fully cross-browser and mobile-compatible. There are a number of pages for each event which provide you with basic event information, attending team lists, qualification match results and rankings, playoff match results, alliance pairing results and awards. Here’s an example of the playoff results pages from last week’s Palmetto regional, both “standard” and “mobile” versions. You can see how we change the way the page looks based on your device- though in most cases all of the same information is there, just re-arranged when needed to fit.

Both iPhone and Android users can utilize the “add to home screen” options within Safari/Chrome respectively to save the FRC Events webpages to their home screen for quick access- just like “normal” app icons would appear. Once you do this, you can just tap the icon during the season to go straight to the event results.

You can even ask for results from a specific season by adding the season to the end of the address (like Results on this website are available from 2015 forward. However, you can still view past results by opening the event you’re interested in, and changing the season in the address bar to a past season. As an example, this year’s Championship would be found here: but you can change the year to 2014 to view Championship results from Aerial Assist (
In addition to our event results pages, we’ve also update our District Ranking website to our new mobile and browser friendly format. The only official source of FIRST Robotics Competition District Rankings can be found here.
From the District Rankings website, you can view details by district, district event, team and more. As with our event results webpages, these will update in near-real time, giving you an idea of how your team is performing in comparison to the others in your geographic area. From within the Event Results webpages for any District event, you’ll be able to go directly to the associated district rankings using the buttons in the blue box in the middle of the page.

Of course, with both District Rankings and Event Results, we rely on a steady internet connection from the venues in order for FMS data to be available for us. In cases where we don’t have internet, or experience outages, we’ll get the missing data uploaded as soon as possible, either during or after the event. As a note, we’ll be using week 1 to verify our 2016 changes, and live district ranking data will not be accessible during week 1 events.
We hope you’ll enjoy these new resources throughout the competition season, and we invite you to share the above links with your family and friends to track your Team’s progress throughout FIRST STRONGHOLD. We’ll be continuing to add more information and features throughout the season and for future seasons. You can send any feedback you have to and they’ll make sure it gets to the right place.
Ready or not- Week 1 is here- best of luck!
Authorization Token
Please assume I'm an idiot who has never used Apiary or FRC Events API v1.0 (because I am and I haven't). How do I obtain an authorization token to get started with v2.0?
Hi Jennifer,
Hi Jennifer,
If you join our TeamForge project ( we'll send you a token. Be sure to put any relevant comments about your project/team in the "notes" when you join the project. Thanks!
Authorization Token
Hi, our team is interested in using the API. We've signed up to join the TeamForge project but have not received a token yet. Please let me know how to get the token. Thanks!
Match details
The new site looks good, but I can't find match details. Is that available? I'm looking for the stuff that is briefly flashed after a match, such as breach, capture, tower points, foul points, etc.
Hi Michael,
Hi Michael,
It's not there yet, but should be very soon. We first wanted to make sure the basic content for 2016 was up and ready, and we're adding detailed event results now. Please check back soon!
Authorization Token
Hi, our team is interested in using the API. We've signed up at the TeamForge site to join the project, but have not received a token. Please let us know how we can get an auth token. Thanks!
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