Register to volunteer at an event

Follow these steps to register to volunteer at an event:

1. Create an account in the FIRST Dashboard - sign up is located in the top right corner of this page or by clicking the "Start Volunteer Registration" button below.

2. Click the Volunteer Registration tab & choose ‘Volunteer at an Event’.

3. Filter events by location/ program and select an event.

4. Choose up to five roles and apply.

5. Complete your required youth protection background screening (US & Canada).

You will receive an email from your local event coordinator if you are assigned to a volunteer role.

Follow these steps to mentor with an existing team:

1. Login to the FIRST Dashboard

2. Click on the Volunteer Registration tab & choose 'FIRST Mentor Network'

3. Follow the steps to create your Mentor Profile

4. Complete your required youth protection background screening (US & Canada).

5. Publish your Mentor Profile to see teams that match your profile




Need help navigating volunteer registration? Download the Volunteer Registration User Guide

Or call Customer Service (800) 871-8326, Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 5:00 EST/EDT

Whether a seasoned volunteer or new to FIRST, we recommend taking this "Volunteering with FIRST" training to learn about what FIRST is and what it means to volunteer with FIRST.