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FIRST changed my son’s life

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Franny Madison-Kish

Mother of Joshua Kish, Alum of FIRST Tech Challenge Team 288, The RoboDawgs, of Grandville, Michigan; and FIRST Robotics Competition Team 931, Perpetual Chaos, of St. Louis, Missouri

I’m the mother of a child that teachers had written off and whose school could do little to help. In ninth grade, he switched to a STEM school where a counselor encouraged him to join FIRST Tech Challenge Team 288. Kids from all walks of life, all colors and cliques came together under this FIRST banner. My son, dismissed as a troublemaker, was accepted by them, no questions asked. He became a valued member of this team. FIRST changed my son’s life. From a little boy dismissed by many, to a proud member of a movement, he is succeeding today as a member of FIRST.

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