The Portcullis and the Kit of Parts Survey
May 26, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.
The Portcullis
Some of you have probably heard that the portcullis will not be used at off-season events. This is true. Some individuals were hurt in handling the portcullis during the regular season, and while I believe we eventually developed a procedure for handling the portcullis that reduced the risk of injury, I don’t think the advantage of having the portcullis available at off-season events outweighs the small risk that someone else will get hurt. We’ve said it before, and will say it again and again, nothing we are doing in FRC is worth getting hurt over.
The challenges we had with the portcullis this season pointed out a few things we’ll be working on moving forward. First, we’ll be paying special attention to any field elements with moving parts and developing specific handling procedures, as required, before the season starts. Second, we are working to develop a priority alert system to field personnel from FIRST HQ when an issue arises needing immediate attention. With the volume of information we provide field staff, it’s important for them to know which communications must be acted on immediately, and which can wait until the end of what are often long, intense days.
FIRST STRONGHOLD was an exciting game, and we want more like that, but don’t want the kind of excitement that leads to people getting hurt. We’re committed to an exciting, and safe, FIRST experience for all.
Kit of Parts Survey
Here’s your chance to help us improve your experience with the FRC Kit of Parts! The Kit of Parts survey is open now, and will be available until June 24. We ask that no more than one student and one mentor from each team complete the survey, so teams choosing to respond will be more fairly represented.
Tell us what you think, so we can get better! Please follow this link to provide your feedback!
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