FIRST Robotics Competition Blog

Second Round of Preferencing Opening

Oct 10, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

Edit: 10/10/17, 2:35p to 3rd bullet for improved clarity.

The second round of event preference submissions opens this Thursday, October 12th, at Noon Eastern Time. You can find more details in the Preference System User Guide and FAQ, which you can find here. This second round of submissions will close next Thursday, October 19th, also at Noon Eastern Time. All FRC teams ‘event ready’ by Noon October 12th will have a full seven days to submit their preferences.

As with the first round of submissions, getting your preferences in early or late during the preference period will not affect the results of your assignment. But, just as with all other deadlines in FRC (or anywhere!), you should plan to be early to help ensure you are not late!

Some important things to keep in mind:

  • We have deleted the preferences you made during the first round. You must submit a new list of preferences if you want to participate in this round of event assignment.
  • This round of preferences submissions is independent of the last round of submissions. The system only takes into account your results from last round during this round.
    • As an example, you will not be able to re-select an event for which you are already registered or waitlisted during this second round. A team can only occupy a single position at any one time in relation to an event – ‘registered’ or ‘waitlisted.’
    • As a further example, if you did not get registered or waitlisted for a desired event last round, listing that event again this round does not give you any special advantage. The system only works with current round preferences in making assignments and does not ‘know’ what you selected last round.
  • ‘Home Event’ registration for Michigan and PNW teams does not apply for this second round to their 2nd event. Teams only have a ‘Home Event’ advantage during the first round when selecting their 1st event.

If you have already been registered or waitlisted for an event, you will see a screen that looks like this:

If you have not yet registered or waitlisted for any events this season, starting Thursday at Noon, you will be able to both select your first event and make your second round preference. You will be able to freely select your first event until we close the system to run the second round assignment process. Your event selection screen will look like this:

If you have any questions at all on any of this, please contact our wonderful people at Team Support. You can find contact information here.


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