FIRST Robotics Competition Blog

Robot Transportation Assistance, Safety Animation, FIRST Choice, and Thanksgiving

Nov 21, 2018 Written by Frank Merrick.



Thanksgiving Turkey in Disguise FIRST Robotics Competition

Seriously, that disguise is fooling no one.

Robot Transportation Assistance

This coming season, once again thanks to the very generous support of FedEx, we are offering Robot Transportation Exemptions to teams who are struggling financially and cannot afford to transport their robot to the competition on their own. Teams can request assistance with shipping their robot to their Regional event by filling out an application form online. For general information on this program, please visit the Robot Transportation page. The application form is located here and the deadline is Monday, November 26, 2018 by 3:00 PM Eastern Time.


Please be sure to provide as much information as possible as all applications will be closely scrutinized. As in prior years, if you are a non-District team and planning to attend two or more Regionals in 2019, or if you are a District team (and so already getting two plays) planning to attend a Regional, that will be an indication to us that you may have the resources to pay for robot shipping on your own, and you should be prepared for your exemption request to be declined.


Safety Animation

The deadline for submitting your entry in the 2019 Safety Animation Competition sponsored by UL is Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. Late entries won’t be accepted, so the time to get serious about your submission is now! See the details here.


FIRST Choice is Open!

FIRST Choice is now open for Round 1 Priority List submissions. Teams must submit their priority lists by December 5, 2018, Noon, Eastern Time to participate in the Round 1 process. Don’t know what I’m talking about? See the details here.



FIRST Offices will be closed Thursday, November 22, and Friday, November 23, for the Thanksgiving holiday we celebrate in the USA. For those unfamiliar, Thanksgiving is a time for folks in the USA to essentially celebrate eating, usually eating turkey, which is why those particular birds are all a bit paranoid around this time of year.



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