The 2025 FIRST® Championship will bring together 600 teams.This page is intended to be an overview of information on FIRST Championship specific to the FIRST Robotics Competition program. Teams can also reference the FIRST Robotics Competition Event Guide for additional details.
FIRST Robotics Competition Volunteers can also reference the Volunteer Event Guide for general volunteer information as well as the FIRST Robotics Competition Championship Volunteer webpage for volunteer information specific to the FIRST Robotics Competition Program.
Preparing for FIRST Championship
Details on how teams earn eligibility to attend the FIRST Championship will be posted on the Championship Eligibility Criteria webpage.
Teams should also check out the FIRST Championship Website for information that is applicable to all programs and attendees and the FIRST Championship Event Guide for information that is applicable to all attendees such as information about badging, Conferences, Innovation Faire, and more!
Badging and Hotel Options
All teams traveling to FIRST Championship will be required to book their housing accommodations within those designated hotel blocks. The partnership enables FIRST to ensure that all hotels are pre-approved for safety and accessibility and that enough hotel rooms are available for qualified teams.
Teams will need to be registered for the event to be added to the list we send to ConferenceDirect to issue housing links to teams. Lead mentors will have 48 hours after receiving the Championship Invite email to register for the event via the FIRST Dashboard. Teams can review additional housing information including available hotels on the FIRST Championship webpage.
We know teams may have questions regarding changes to the FIRST Championship housing program. More information is available through the below articles in our knowledge base:
Robot Shipping & Packing
Teams attending the 2025 FIRST Championship can choose to either ship their robot using the FedEx voucher or hand-carry to the event.
Once you qualify for FIRST Championship, you are sent an email asking if you want to bring your robot to the event yourself or ship it via the FedEx voucher. You must select one or the other, as there will be no ‘default’ option. Teams can reference the Robot Transportation page for more information.
- If you opt to hand carry your robot yourself, you must bring your 1 competition robot to FIRST Championship along with all your other pit equipment.
- If you opt to ship your robot, we provide a FedEx shipping voucher and a ship-not-later than date. Teams must ship no later than that date or risk their robots not arriving at FIRST Championship in time for the event.
- Please note that during the early load in timeframe, teams can only bring in 1 tote and all other items must be brought in through the loading dock during normal team load-in hours. (See Load In below for more details)
- Teams who chose to ship their robot must follow the Shipping Crate Instructions.
- Teams may not use a FedEx Voucher for pit equipment/other non-robot items. Using a voucher in this way is considered an abuse of the donor’s intent and generosity. If you are shipping using the FedEx voucher, only your robot, bumpers, and batteries may be in the crate. If you’d like to ship additional equipment, you must coordinate, ship, and pay for it on your own.
A big thanks to FedEx for once again sponsoring robot shipments to FIRST Championship!
Please review the Event Experience webpage for suggestions on what to bring to each event.
Local Transportation
Metro Transportation is available in Houston - Purchase discount passes
Pre-Event Communication
- 03/20/2025 - FIRST Robotics Competition Championship Email Blast
- 03/13/2025 - FIRST Robotics Competition Championship Email Blast
- 03/06/2025 - FIRST Robotics Competition Championship Email Blast
- 02/28/2025 - Planning for FIRST Championship Blog
- 02/17/2025 - FIRST Championship Hotel Program Update #2
- 12/05/2024 - FIRST Championship Hotel Program Update
On-Site FIRST Robotics Competition Championship Specifics
Agenda & Floor Plan
- Teams can reference the FIRST Robotics Competition Public Schedule for the most up to date schedule.
- Please see the images below for the layout of the FIRST Robotics Competition area on the 1st floor of the George R. Brown Convention Center. Click the photos to enlarge.
Championship Divisions
Division Assignments will be available on this frc-events page closer to the event. See the sections below for a preview of layouts by each pit division. Click the photos to enlarge. Closer to the event, photos will be updated to include team numbers and pit assignments in the maps.
Archimedes was a mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and philosopher. In theoretical mechanics, Archimedes is responsible for fundamental theorems concerning the centers of gravity of plane figures and solids, and he is famous for his theorem on the weight of a body immersed in a liquid, called Archimedes’ Principle.
Marie Curie was a Polish physicist and chemist who did ground-breaking research about radioactivity. She was the first woman to have won the Nobel Prize and the first person to have won the Nobel Prize twice, for developing the theory of radioactivity, and for discovering new elements polonium and radium.
Katherine Johnson, an African American woman, worked as a mathematician who worked at NASA. She was responsible for calculating orbital mechanics which were critical for first and later US crewed spaceflights. Known as the "human calculator" she was a master at complex manual calculations and pioneered the use of computers for this task.
Cesar Milstein was an Argentine biochemist researching in the field of antibodies. In 1984 he was a co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the production of monoclonal antibodies. His discovery allowed mass creation of these antibodies to allow for diagnosis and treatment of many diseases including some cancers.
Division Playoff Pits
There will be assigned pits for FIRST Robotics Competition Division playoff matches closer to the fields to be shared by 4 team alliances. Division Playoff Pits are 15’ x 15’ (4.57m x 4.57m). Alliances must work together to share the space accordingly including tools and equipment. Any pit structures cannot exceed 8’ (2.4 m) in height. Teams may move to these spaces immediately after Alliance Selection.
During the playoff rounds, extra team members are often needed to move the team robot from the pit station to the queuing area and playing field. Each team on an Alliance can have 3 additional Pit Crew members to help with necessary robot repairs and maintenance. These buttons provide access to the field. These Pit Crew members must stay with the team and robot in queue and during matches they may stay with the team’s robot cart in the cart box with the technician.
FIRST distributes the buttons to Alliance Captains during the alliance selection process on the Division Fields. Each Alliance Captain must set a logistics plan for button distribution prior to the pairings to distribute the buttons to the Pit Crew members.
Judging & Awards
FIRST Robotics Competition celebrates the excitement of competition both on and off the field. Through our awards, we celebrate the FIRST Core Values which makes us so much #morethanrobots.
Pit Judging
Judges come around in the pit to interview teams for the Judged Awards just like they do at local District or Regional Competitions. Judges may Interview and observe teams in the Pit, on the playing field, and other areas of the event. Visit the FIRST Robotics Competition Awards page for a full description of the awards. To be eligible for any award, teams will be required to follow FIRST Core Values, demonstrate Gracious Professionalism®, and implement and follow appropriate safety practices.
Teams are eligible for all awards presented at FIRST Championship with the exception of the FIRST Impact Award (which requires winning it at the Regional or District Championship level to be eligible) and the Rookie Awards (which only rookies are eligible to win).
Award Ceremonies
Awards for each field will be presented in between the playoff matches. The entire team will be invited to the field to receive an award and take a team picture if they like (team must take the photo themselves).
The FIRST Impact Award Finalists will be announced Saturday Morning prior to Alliance Selection.
The FIRST Impact Award, Volunteer of the Year, and Woodie Flowers Award winner will be announced during Einstein.
FIRST Impact Awards Interviews
The FIRST Impact Award interview schedule will be posted in each Pit Admin on Wednesday. FIRST Impact Award Interviews will be on Thursday and Friday.
There are four FIRST Impact Award Interview rooms on site are located in Rooms 380 A – D, located on the 3rd floor of the building. Swapping interview times is not encouraged, but if you must change your time, switch with a team (once you have their consent) that is assigned to the same interview room as you and notify Pit Admin. Pit Admin must approve the change and they will work with the judges to keep them apprised of changes.
Teams can reference the Hall of Fame webpage to see what other teams who have won the Championship FIRST Impact Award have accomplished.
Hall of Fame Booth
The Hall of Fame Booth honors previous FIRST Robotics Competition Championship FIRST Impact Award Winners. The FIRST Impact Award represents the spirit of FIRST and remains FIRST Robotics Competition’s most prestigious award.
The Hall of Fame Booth is part of the Innovation Faire on the second floor. The Hall of Fame Booth is open Wednesday – Friday from 10am – 4pm.
The Hall of Fame booth also has the FIRST Impact Award Clock on display for viewing. This is a great opportunity for you to interact with some of the top FIRST Robotics Competition teams and learn what it takes to become a Hall of Fame team!
Load In & Out Logistics
Load In
All teams must follow the Load-In process as outlined in the Team Load-In Instructions in order to bring materials into the Pits from their vehicles. Teams may only unload into the Loading Dock and not onto Chartres Street. Teams cannot leave vehicles unattended at any time.
Early Load In
All Early Load-In teams must check in at the early check-in desk (see image below) in the lobby to obtain wristbands to enter the pits.
Teams who need to print name badges at the Team Check In desk or need to send members to the loading dock from the lobby may also check in at the early check-in desk to obtain a different colored wristband to allow them access. These teams will not be allowed in the pits until 9 am. Teams with the correct wristband will be allowed onto the loading dock via the door in Hall D in order to help unload items. Teams should not go onto the loading dock until their team is assigned a spot to help minimize traffic for safety purposes
During the Early Load-In timeframe for teams that shipped their robot, teams can bring in one tote (approximately Kit of Parts size), with the preference that it is hand carried. The tote must fit through a standard doorway. The tote should include all hand tools needed to open the team’s crate(s) and can include a corded or cordless power drill.
Early Load-In teams should expect that all items will be searched upon entry into the front doors of the venue and should have the tote ready to be inspected (i.e. don’t have it zip-tied shut). Teams should not have items on the prohibited items list (per the Event Rules E109) in the tote. All other items must be brought in through the loading dock through the standard Load-In process.
Load Out
All teams must follow the Load-Out processes as outlined in the in the Team Load Out Instructions in order to carry out materials from the Pits from their vehicles. Additionally, Load Out rules change depending on how a team’s robot arrived to Championship.
Teams that shipped their robot to Championship must visit the FIRST Ship Desk prior to Load Out, regardless of if they are shipping their robot home or will change to Hand-Carry home. The desk is open Thursday through Saturday. If you come early, you can skip the long Saturday line!
Teams that Hand-Carry their robot to Championship do not need to visit the FIRST Ship Desk. However, these teams must still visit the Load Out Desk once ready to leave the venue. Note: Hall A Load Out Desk is located in Hall A, while Hall E Load Out Desk is located in Hall D. This is updated for 2025 for load out safety.
Please be respectful of other teams and the public on your departure, leave your area clean and be safe. Once your team has finished competing in the matches on Saturday, have a Mentor visit the Load Out Desk in the same Hall as your team's pit. The mentor will be given an Access Code which can be given to the team vehicle's driver. The driver may then que to the loading dock on Chartres Street, and once inside the loading dock can let the team know to bring all materials out to load. Vehicles without access codes will not be allowed to queue.
Use of 53' Trailers for Load In & Load Out
Groups of teams may pool their resources to transport their pit materials and/or robot with a 53’ Trailer. All groups must apply for this allowance and receive authorization to enter the Loading Dock. Unauthorized 53’ Trailers will not be allowed to enter the Loading Dock – no exceptions.
Rules, guidelines, and how to apply can be found in the Community 53' Trailer Option Information document.
Parking is available around the George R. Brown Convention Center, see Downtown Houston Parking webpage for more information.
Meals & Breaks
Each division is assigned a 1 hour 30-minute break for lunch on Thursday and Friday. Teams should listen carefully to announcements on each Division Field, as some matches are replayed during the Lunch Break. Please see the below schedule for Thursday & Friday by field.
On Saturday, all Division Fields will break from the end of the Division Field Playoffs until 2:00 PM
Divisions |
Day |
Lunch Break Time |
Archimedes |
Thursday |
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM |
Friday |
12:45 PM – 2:15 PM |
Curie |
Thursday |
11:15 AM – 12:45 PM |
Friday |
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM |
Daly |
Thursday |
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM |
Friday |
12:15 PM – 1:45 PM |
Galileo |
Thursday |
11:45 AM – 1:15 PM |
Friday |
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM |
Hopper |
Thursday |
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM |
Friday |
11:45 AM – 1:15 PM |
Johnson |
Thursday |
12:15 PM – 1:45 PM |
Friday |
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM |
Milstein |
Thursday |
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM |
Friday |
11:15 AM – 12:45 PM |
Newton |
Thursday |
12:45 PM – 2:15 PM |
Friday |
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM |
There are concessions located within the convention center, with many food options around the George R. Brown Convention Center as well.
The George R. Brown Convention Center is now cashless, a change from our last event there. To accommodate FIRST teams, Convention Center Staff will be setup on the 1st floor (near Main Registration) and 3rd Floor (near the Grand Ballroom lobby) at kiosks that will have the ability to accept cash (in US dollars) and turn that into a GiveX card (a gift card that can be used at concession stands) that can be used throughout the week.
The activation fee will be waived for these cards. Money that is still left on the card at the end of the event can be refunded at those same kiosks, or you can keep the card with the money still loaded and will be able to use it next year.
Local food trucks will be around Discovery Green. View a list of nearby restaurants.
Pre-Order Lunch
Pre-Order Lunches are available at the George R. Brown Convention Center and must be submitted by March 28, 2025*. Orders submitted after this date are subject to availability and have an additional 25% charge. A map including the delivery location on Level 2 is included in the order form.
Practice Fields
There will be 2 complete Competition Fields in each Pit area, as well as several carpeted areas of Practice Field elements Informal (Playground). The Practice Fields are open:
- Wednesday 12:00PM – 7:00PM
- Thursday 7:15AM - 6:00PM
- Friday 7:15AM - 6:00PM
- The Practice Fields will not be available on Saturday.
There are no sensors in the processor and no match scoring. Please reference the Championship Practice Field Overview that is provided in team's registration packets.
We recognize that teams shipping their robot are at a disadvantage as they cannot work on their robot after it ships. To help level the playing field, teams that ship their robot using the FedEx voucher receive early access to the pits on Wednesday and:
- a fast pass that allows the team to skip the line one time on the Informal (Playground) Practice Area any day they are open.
- a fast pass that allows the teams to skip the line one time on the Formal practice fields any day the practice fields are open.
- Note: Fast passes must be used prior to one hour before the day’s scheduled closing time, i.e. prior to 6:00PM on Wednesday and prior to 5:00PM on Thursday and Friday.
Teams are responsible for knowing their match times and are expected to queue 30 minutes prior to their matches without the help of an announcer. Teams need a minimum of 10 minutes to travel from their pit space to the playing fields. Please leave extra time to get back and forth between the pits and playing fields.
For qualification matches, FIRST will make every effort to keep close to the published schedules. Keep close watch of the pit display for any moment-to-moment changes. There will be no audio queuing.
FIRST will be using the FRC Nexus application at the 2025 Championship Event. Nexus is a web-based application, developed by Evan Forbes, and was widely used at events in 2023 and 2024. Nexus is not owned or managed by FIRST, and personal data (PII) collected by Nexus is not covered by the FIRST Privacy Policy. Participants should always review the privacy practices of third-party sites and applications before submitting any personal data. The Nexus Privacy Policy can be found on their website.
Nexus allows teams to sign up and receive notifications of their upcoming matches, which helps teams manage their time and makes teams aware of potential field delays.
It's important to note that while all 8 competition fields will be using Nexus, it is completely optional for teams to opt-in to receiving notifications. The pit displays will still be available and will show the current match and how far ahead/behind the field is running. Teams that choose to opt-in to receive notifications from Nexus are still responsible for making it to their matches on time. Matches will not be postponed or replayed because of a delayed or missed notification from Nexus.
Robot Services
Robot Services covers opportunities to get support and help during the event.
Inspection opens at 10:00am on Wednesday. Each Division has an inspection station and teams should go to the Inspection Station in their Division. Teams should start the inspection process as soon as possible to help every team get through it in a timely manner. The inspection process does not need to happen all at once and we encourage teams to weigh and measure their robot early in case any issues are identified. During inspection, if your inspector is unable to explain a decision or if you think there is an error, you can (and should!) ask for the Lead Robot Inspector (LRI) to assist.
Robots must pass inspection prior to accessing the practice fields and competing in Qualification Matches which begin on Thursday morning.
Robot Service Center:
The Robot Service Center, located in the back of Halls B, C, & D, is an opportunity for you to seek and get support from Suppliers during the competition (e.g. technical help, spare parts, or assistance with repairs).
- Electrical & Software Assistance - Teams can request general help from Control Systems Advisors for troubleshooting software or electrical issues by submitting a request online at www.ni.com/frcsupport or by stopping by the NI booth in the Robot Service Center. There are also representatives from REV Robotics and CTR Electronics located in the Robot Service Center that can help troubleshoot issues with specific devices.
- Machine Shop - There is a machine shop, sponsored by NASA, located in the back of Hall C near the Spare Parts Tables.
- Spare Parts - There is a spare parts table in the back of Hall C and parts are available on a limited basis.
Einstein Tournament
The 8 Division winning alliances are known as Division Champions. These teams compete in the Einstein Tournament. The tournament will be a Double Elimination Tournament as described in Section 13.4 of the Game Manual.
Einstein Field Access
Beginning at 1:00 PM on Saturday, additional security measures are in place for the Einstein fields. Anyone within the area without proper access will be asked to leave. Immediately following Division Playoff Matches, Division winning alliance drive teams and robots need to report to the Einstein Mass & Energy fields (Galileo & Johnson Fields). A special access badge is issued to teams.
Due to space constraints and limitations, Team Media are not allowed on the field before or during Einstein Matches.
Within the Einstein area, accessible seating will be restricted to only the person in need + one friend and is limited to first come, first served. Those who do get seats within the Einstein area will be given a wristband. Those who are interested may report to one of the designated entrances (photo coming soon) to receive a wristband for access starting at 1:00 PM.
Outside of the Einstein Area, teams who need accessible seating may use the additional accessible bleachers on each field.
Einstein Tournament Competing Teams Seating Area
When the Division alliance winners are announced, each team receives 40 wristbands to designate special seating for the Einstein Tournament. Division Champion alliance teams are seated in reserved bleachers. Teams obtain the wristbands from the field Volunteer Coordinator. Please arrive at reserved seats no later than 1:45 PM. Note: any open areas in the bleachers after 2:00 PM become open to the public for seating.
Beginning at 12:30pm on Saturday (or at the conclusion of the Division Playoffs Matches), we will be clearing the lobby side bleachers – Mass (Galileo) and Energy (Johnson) – of all spectators and team members. Anyone sitting in these sections will be asked to move. These sections are reserved teams competing in Einstein Tournament and FIRST® Impact Award Finalists.
FIRST Impact Award Finalist Seating Area
The 6 FIRST Impact Award Finalist teams receive 40 wristbands for team members to sit in reserved audience sections (the lobby side bleachers) during the Einstein Playoff Matches & Closing Celebration.
- Accessible Seating - Accessible seating is available for all fields. If your team needs accessible seating, please indicate this when you register for badging to help us with planning. There will be space for the person in need plus up to 3 additional members from their team. Due to space constraints, most of the team will need to sit in the reserved stands behind the accessible seating. If a student is the one in need, we ask that at least 1 adult sits in the reserved area.
- Please be aware that anyone sitting in the Accessible Seating area must wear safety glasses. Please see a volunteer for directions to seating.
- Please see the Einstein Tournament section for information on Accessible Seating during Einstein
- Gender Neutral Bathrooms - Gender neutral bathrooms will be available as shown in the layout above as well as layouts on the FIRST Championship website.
- Nursing Room - A Nursing Room is located on Level Three, Room 352 D. This amenity offers a clean and comfortable room for traveling mothers to nurse, use a breast pump or care for young children. The Nursing Room features a table and comfortable seating. Please bring all supplies to effectively sanitize and disinfect this space before and after each use.
- Prayer Rooms - There will be two prayer rooms available for anyone wishing to observe religious practice onsite during event hours. Prayer rooms are located on Level Two Skybridge Marriott Marquis Montgomery Rooms A & B.
- Quiet Room - A Quiet Room will be available for those participants who need a quiet space to de-stress and take a break from the business of the competition. The Quiet Room is located on Level Three, Room 362 C F.
- If you would like to donate items (things like playing cards, board games, stress balls, puzzles) for the room, please bring then to the Quiet Room.
- The Quiet Room hours are:
- Wednesday: 7 AM - 6 PM
- Thursday: 7 AM - 6 PM
- Friday: 7 AM - 6 PM
- Saturday: 7 AM - 6 PM