FIRST LEGO League Challenge Volunteer Resources Jan. 13 2025| 310.13 KB

Content Type: FIRST LEGO League Explore, FIRST LEGO League Challenge
Program: FIRST LEGO League
Tags: Event Preparation, Events, Training, Volunteer

Interested in volunteering at an event?

If you would like to volunteer for a FIRST event, click here for instructions.

  • Find a list of event volunteer roles for FIRST®  LEGO®  League Explore here.
  • Find a list of event volunteer roles for FIRST®  LEGO®  League Challenge here.
  • Find a list of event volunteer roles for the FIRST®  LEGO®  League World Festival at FIRST®  Championship in Houston, TX, USA here.

All volunteers must be screened as part of the FIRST Youth Protection Program. Visit the Event Volunteer Checklist for all resources and forms you might need to get started volunteering with FIRST.

The following role-specific resources are intended for FIRST® LEGO®  League event volunteers. Teams looking for event preparation resources should visit the Game and Season resources page:

FIRST® LEGO® League Explore Role-Specific Resources:

FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge Role-Specific Resources:

Judging Toolkit:

Referee Toolkit:

Tournament Directors:

Volunteer Coordinators: