More than Dressing Up, District Registration, and Beta Team Correction

Oct 17, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.

Vintage Tomorrows is a great document about the Steampunk movement. The preview is below! Also, we are looking forward to 2nd Regional Event Registration on Thursday, 10/20 at Noon Eastern! And a correction to the Beta Test blog.

The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Fund Sep. 17 2021| 0 KB

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Scholarship Description 

Dr. Barton Aaron Kamen, MD PhD 1948 - 2012  

Bart Kamen photo Dr. Barton Aron Kamen, a long tenured and passionate FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) supporter, was a  distinguished pediatric oncologist, cancer pharmacologist and devoted family man. Dr. Bart Kamen was known by his colleagues as a brilliant scholar,  compassionate physician, dedicated mentor and gentle man whose unfettered enthusiasm for learning, teaching, talking science and challenging the  mainstay with his out of the box thinking for betterment of care was unmatched. 

 Dr. Kamen truly loved being a physician and pediatrics. He nobly balanced the art and science of medicine and patient care, and had a very special  relationship with his patients and their families. Dr. Kamen was one of those magical doctors who could completely engage and comfort an ill child with  a three-minute fun game, while simultaneously completing a thorough neurological exam. While extending his signature great care to his patients, Dr. Kamen also conducted leading-edge research for more than three decades around folate biochemistry and anti-folate pharmacology with the goal of reducing the negative side effects of effective cancer-fighting drugs. Dr. Kamen's clinical and research interests were driven by the overarching goal of "translational research"-- taking best science to bedside.

Dr. Kamen received his M.D. and Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University and served his internship/residency and fellowship in pediatrics and pediatric hematology-oncology and pharmacology at Yale University. During his career, Dr. Kamen was the recipient of many honors and awards including the Scholar Award from the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, The Damon Runyon Walter Winchell Fellowship and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Clinical Pharmacology Award and was one of the few pediatric oncologists to be named to an American Cancer Society clinical research professorship. Dr. Kamen authored over 300 manuscripts and was the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology.

Learn more about Dr. Kamen at 

About The Dr. ​Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST® Scholarship Fund

The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Fund provides funding to undergraduate students pursuing biomedical engineering or pre-medical degrees. The Fund supports the vision of FIRST to transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders. By selecting students who have excelled in a FIRST program, the Fund seeks to honor the legacy of Dr. Bart Kamen by providing renewable monetary grants to undergraduate students who have, through their participation in FIRST programs, demonstrated the potential to develop Dr. Kamen’s brilliance at, and extraordinary passion for, improving the lives of patients.

The Dr. ​Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Fund’s Objectives

In selecting students who have successfully participated in one of the FIRST family of programs for at least one year, The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Fund wishes to encourage selected students, who have already demonstrated innovation, respect for science and engineering, and compassion, to pursue the study of biomedical engineering and/or pre-medical studies, including by engaging in research projects as an undergraduate that may one day improve the lives of patients.

Description of Scholarships

The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Fund Grant Selection Committee will make up-to four initial, renewable grants of $10,000 to selected students. Initial grants are renewable for up to three additional years provided the student continues to meet the eligibility criteria for the grant (listed below). Selection is based on academic performance, character, passion for biomedical engineering and/or medicine, and participation in FIRST programs. Financial need may also be considered, but is not a requirement.

The Committee’s decisions to select recipients for grants and all other decisions related to The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Fund are final and not subject to any judicial or other review. By submitting an application, an applicant agrees that the Committee’s decisions are final and not subject to any judicial or other review.

Initial Grant Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for consideration for an initial grant of $10,000 an Applicant must:

  • Be a secondary school senior or graduate who has not yet commenced full-time undergraduate studies at a college or university.
  • Have been accepted to, or applied for admission to, an Eligible Undergraduate Program, which means a full-time program in Biomedical Engineering or Premedical Studies or a program that allows students to pursue a chosen major while simultaneously completing a subset of medical school prep courses (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry and organic chemistry, so that the student will be qualified for admission to medical school upon graduation), at a college or university that (i) in the United States, is eligible to participate in the federal student financial assistance programs administered by the United States Department of Education under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended, or (ii) outside the United States, is similarly accredited.
  • Have participated as a team member for a minimum of one year on a FIRST® LEGO League, FIRST® Tech Challenge or FIRST® Robotics Competition team.
  • If requested, participate in a telephonic, in-person, or online interview with the Grant Selection Committee.
  • If selected as a recipient, furnish to FIRST a completed IRS form W-9.

The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Fund Grant Selection Committee's decisions to select recipients for grants and all other decisions related to The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Fund are final and not subject to any judicial or other review. By submitting an application, an applicant agrees that the Committee's decisions are final and not subject to any judicial or other review.  FIRST employees and officers, members of the FIRST Board of Directors, members of the Grant Selection Committee, and their spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, and siblings, and spouses of their parents, children, grandchildren, and siblings are ineligible. Recipients of The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship grants will be notified by April 1 of each year and will be made public in April of each year. Payment of the grant will be contingent upon admission to, and enrollment in, an Eligible Undergraduate Program by May 1.

Renewal Grant Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a renewal grant of $10,000 a recipient of an initial grant must:

  • Have enrolled in, and continued studies as a full-time student in, an Eligible Undergraduate Program since the initial grant, with academic performance which, in the opinion of the Grant Selection Committee, demonstrates that the student is likely to complete the Eligible Undergraduate Program and pursue a career in biomedical engineering or be admitted to medical school.
  • Send a letter requesting renewal of the grant and attesting that the student is still enrolled in a full-time Eligible Undergraduate Program together with a copy of the student’s entire official transcript from the Eligible Undergraduate Program. Indicating successful completion of courses no later than June 1 to:


  • Students who are awarded The Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship must, annually, participate in a research project related to biomedical engineering or medicine, either with their school (as part of their studies or not) or independently (paid or unpaid). Students must annually, on or before June 1, furnish to the Grant Selection Committee a scholarly paper on the research completed during the applicable year.
    • Please include a letter from the individual overseeing your research, assessing your research performance. 
  • Annually furnish to FIRST a completed IRS form W-9.
  • Students seeking a renewal grant will be notified of approval no later than July 1st at which time such student must furnish a completed IRS form W-9 to FIRST.
  • Grant money will be sent to selected applicants (who have verified acceptance to, and enrollment in, an Eligible Undergraduate Program and who have furnished to FIRST a completed IRS form W-9), by August 31st.


Grant Deferments

If the above renewal and disbursement calendar does not meet the needs of a grant recipient, the recipient may request a deferment from the Dr. Bart Kamen Memorial FIRST Scholarship Committee (the “Committee”) subject to the following conditions:

  • The grant recipient must meet each of the eligibility requirements for a grant renewal at the time of the deferral and at the time of payment of the deferred grant. 
  • For rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors, the grant recipient must notify the Committee by July 1st of the applicable year:
    • of the need for a deferral of payment of the renewal grant;
    • the requested timing of the grant;
    • why deferment is in the recipient’s best interest; and
    • how the proceeds will be used when disbursed.
  • First year grant recipients, rising freshmen, who would like to defer their first-year grant should provide the above listed information as soon as possible, but no later than July 1st following high school graduation.
  • The recipient must demonstrate that all proceeds of the deferred grants will be utilized for education purposes. The Committee reserves the right to audit the use of grant proceeds at any time. Failure to use proceeds for educational purposes will result in loss of future grants and potential collection efforts to recoup mis-used funds.
  • Final approval of each grant deferment is subject to the absolute discretion of the Committee. 

Control System Update

Oct 13, 2016 Written by Kevin O'Connor, Robotics Engineer, FIRST Robotics Competition.

A new (old) radio announcement paired with WPI library news. Plus, the list of 2017 Beta Test Teams!

2nd District Event Registration and 2017 Medals

Oct 12, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.

Reminder that 2nd Event Registration is open for DISTRICT TEAMS on Thursday, October 13 at Noon Eastern. Michigan and Pacific Northwest Teams can register starting at 11 AM Eastern on Thursday, October 13. Also, check out the FIRST STEAMWORKS medals!

2nd District Event Registration Thursday – Important New Information

Oct 11, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.

2nd District Event Registration for Michigan and Pacific Northwest Teams will open at 11 AM Eastern on Thursday, October 13, 2016. Registration for MI and PNW will temporarily close at 11:45 AM Eastern on Thursday, October 13, 2016. 2nd District Event Registration will open for ALL DISTRICT TEAMS at Noon Eastern on Thursday, October 13, 2016.

Important Dates

Oct 07, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.

Updates to the Season Calendar now available! 2nd District Event Registration will happen on 10/13 at Noon Eastern. 2nd Regional Event Registration will happen on 10/20 at Noon Eastern. Read the blog for additional dates!

Regional Registration Issues

Oct 06, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.

Detailed information about today's Regional Initial Event Registration.

Event Registrations, Behind the Lines, and Drive Base Opt-Out

Oct 05, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.

Initial Event Registration for Regional Teams opens tomorrow (10/6) at Noon Eastern. Plus Behind The Lines premiers tonight (10/5) at 8pm Eastern! Check out the Champion Chairman's Award Winners as they talk about how to improve your team! Don't forget that Drive Base Opt-Out ends Thursday (10/6) at Noon Eastern.

Registration Update and Reminder

Oct 04, 2016 Written by Frank Merrick.

Reminder that Initial District Event Registration opens Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at Noon Eastern and Initial Regional Event Registration opens Thursday, October 6, 2016 at Noon Eastern.

District and Regional Teams Aug. 29 2023| 0 KB

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FIRST Robotics Competition operates under two competition models, the "District" Model and the "Regional" Model.

District Model Teams have the opportunity to compete at two smaller-scale District Events as part of their season registration. Some District Teams will earn enough ranking points at these District events to earn their way to the District Championship Event. Each District sends a representative number of Teams to the FIRST Championship through the District Championship Event (see Championship Eligibility Criteria for details). District Teams are allowed to compete at Regional Events, under some restrictions.

Regional Teams compete at one, usually larger-scale, Regional Event as part of their season registration. From each of these Regional Events, a few teams qualify for the FIRST Championship (see Championship Eligibility Criteria for details). Regional Teams are currently not allowed to compete at District Events.

Teams are assigned to the District or Regional model based solely on their location. Any Team that is not in a District geography is automatically a Regional model team. 


US District Teams by State

District Name Locations Included

FIRST Chesapeake 

Maryland, Virginia, + Washington, D.C.

FIRST in Michigan 


FIRST Indiana Robotics


FIRST in Texas 

Texas & New Mexico

FIRST Mid-Atlantic 

Delaware, New Jersey, & Eastern Pennsylvania

FIRST North Carolina North Carolina


Connecticut, Massachusets, Maine, New Hampshire, & Vermont


Georgia & South Carolina

Pacific Northwest Washington & Oregon


International District Teams by Area

District Name Locations Included


Ontario, Canada

FIRST Israel Israel


FIRST Robotics Competition Teams in the US Competing in the District Model

US District Teams Map FIRST Robotics Competition


FIRST Robotics Competition Teams in Canada (Ontario) and Israel (All) Competing in the District Model

2019 Canada and Israel Map FIRST Robotics Competition