The Backfire Effect

Oct 06, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

I learned something interesting this week.

Wikipedia has an entry on ‘common misconceptions’ which I found interesting. Before I provide the link, I should give you a warning that one of the misconceptions, out of the many listed, is about the etymology of commonly heard, but vulgar, word. If you think seeing this word will bother you, please don’t click. If you are OK with seeing this word, here’s the link.

Stop Build Day 2018

Oct 05, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

About one year ago, in this blog, we revealed the results of an extensive survey we did of the community regarding their thoughts on Stop Build Day. No survey is perfect, but if this one showed anything, it showed that there is no strong consensus one way or the other on this topic so fundamental to our culture and how we operate.

Behind the Lines Premiere and 2018 Medals!

Oct 04, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

Season 4 of Behind the Lines will premiere tonight!

Tonight's Season 4 premiere episode features FIRST Robotics Competition Team 2614, MARS, 2017 Chairman's Award winners at FIRST Championship St. Louis. 

Registration Issues Update #2

Oct 03, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

This blog is an update to the registration issues we talked about here.

On Friday, we sent emails to the 148 teams affected by our error offering them slots to the preferred event to which we should have assigned them originally. 




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Free Event!

The mission of ROBOTICON is to increase public awareness of and engagement in the power of hands on, mentor driven youth engineering and robotics programs like FIRST, and to provide participating youth with a low stress, high-quality competitive event with opportunities for skill building, networking, and college and career readiness experiences.

Youth Registration and Drive Base Kit Option

Oct 02, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick


Youth Registration

FIRST Alumni Spotlight: Peyton Fitzgerald

Oct 02, 2017 Written by Peyton Fitzgerald FIRST Alum

FIRST  Alum Peyton Fitzgerald is from FIRST Robotics Competition Team  5459 T.I.G.E.R.S. in Ipswich, Massachusets. Peyton received a FIRST Scholarship to attend Northeastern University.

Registration Issues Update

Sep 29, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

Yesterday, I noted we had an issue with first-round event assignments, in which approximately 5% of teams were not assigned the correct event. I apologize again for this.

Kit of Parts – 2018 Drive Base Kit Option and International Game Pieces

Sep 29, 2017 Written by Jonathan Bryant, Kit of Parts Engineer

Edit 9/29/17: Added start date/time of Drive Base Opt Out period, highlighted in yellow below. 

Drive Base Kit Option

Your 2018 Kickoff Kit will again include a drive base kit! Maybe; it’s up to you.

Event Assignment Issues

Sep 28, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

We found a bug in the software that was used today to assign teams to events. I apologize for this. Approximately 5% of teams were not assigned the correct event.

We kept the lottery numbers teams had been assigned during the first run of this process and re-ran the process with the bug corrected. We then compared the first-run results with what the results would have been if the bug had not been present.