FIRST Robotics Competition Blog

To Boldly Kit*…

Dec 07, 2017 Written by Frank Merrick

Star Trek: The Next Generation. Magnifleeque.


What’s more exciting than serving aboard the Starship Enterprise? Certainly near the top of everyone’s list is being a Kit of Parts Engineer for the FIRST Robotics Competition!

Lucky you, we’ve got an opening! Join our small but dedicated crew on their continuing mission to explore strange new components, seek out new suppliers, and boldly kit where no person has kitted before.

Seriously, though, this job is pretty cool. You’ll get to work with a bunch of fun people who care about what they do, get your hands dirty occasionally, and contribute in a meaningful way to the lives of thousands of young people. You may even get to build a robot or two and help with FRC game design!** And rumor has it you will even get paid for doing so. That’s a pretty sweet deal.

If you are interested and think you have the qualifications, please apply! If you know someone else who may fit the bill, please let them know about this opening!


*Not “To Kit Boldy,” you crusty split infinitive haters. Split infinitive haters gonna hate!

**Hey, this is your chance to complain about FRC games in person!

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