FIRST Terms & Conditions

The information you provide in the Registration System is necessary for FIRST to properly identify a team, the people and the organization directly ­­­­­­supporting the team, and to ensure that competition data is accurate for every team.

FIRST respects the privacy of all those involved in its programs and will protect the information given to it according to the Privacy Policy.

Team Registration

Each FIRST team must have two adults, registered in our system to serve as the Coach/Mentor 1 and Coach/Mentor 2 contacts for the season. Each contact must enter a unique, not shared, email account.

For U.S. and Canadian teams both Coach/Mentors must pass screening. The screening is a criminal background and sex offender registry check. Please review the FIRST Youth Protection Policies carefully at the FIRST website.

As many schools have internet firewalls that do not allow school email accounts to receive mail, we highly recommend using an account such as Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail to ensure timely receipt of all FIRST communications. The Coach/Mentor 1 and Coach/Mentor 2 contacts are recognized by FIRST as the only persons from the team authorized to manage the team information in the Registration System.

Payment Policy

Checking the "I agree" button on your user profile indicates:

  1. You are 13 years of age or older.
  2. You are aware that it is the shared responsibility of the Coach/Mentor 1 and Coach/Mentor 2 contacts to maintain the accuracy of the Team information.

You have read all information contained within these Terms & Conditions including the FIRST Privacy Policy.