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  1. Championship Housing Open and District Slots to FIRST Championship

    FIRST Championship It's Just Like This! OK! We took our snapshot of secured (paid) FIRST Robotics ... all FIRST Robotics Competition teams in the current season who would normally be assigned to their ...

    kpilotte - 02/11/2020 - 10:50pm

  2. Building a Skill Portfolio from FIRST Robotics Competition Experience

    that students have developed as part of the role they play on their FIRST Robotics Competition team. By ... FIRST  Robotics Competition team can look like:   Students are doing the work- authentic, real-world ... Robotics Competition course accessible to Lead Mentors 1 and 2 through Thinkscape on the  FIRST  Dashboard has many resources ...

    kpilotte - 07/23/2021 - 10:14am

  3. Vol Home Season Block

    FIRST ® volunteers are part of a global robotics community preparing young people for the future. ...

    ssuryadevara - 05/15/2023 - 9:59am

  4. Distributors

    distributors popular with the FRC community- AndyMark, REV Robotics, and VEX- and lifted the flap 'a ... the robots would be driving over obstacles, climbing, and throwing game objects. All distributors made ... told distributors that robots would be climbing obstacles, we did not tell them what specific ...

    Jamee Luce - 02/04/2016 - 4:48pm - 3 comments

  5. FIRST Hires Tech Industry Talents Erica Fessia, Chris Rake to Join Leadership Team

    Rake managed and owned the  FIRST  Robotics Competition control system program for over ten years, ... commencing with the inaugural National Instruments CompactRIO-based FIRST  Robotics Competition controller in ... FIRST Robotics Competition judge, a FIRST  LEGO League referee and Affiliate Partner Steering Team ...

    bcox - 10/02/2018 - 9:02am

  6. Diary of an Innovator: Team 1880 Season Wrap-Up

    ®  Tech Challenge, and four  FIRST ® Robotics Competition Diary of an Innovator teams about their ... FIRST ® Robotics Competition blog.       Q: What innovation are you most proud of this season? A: Hold ... onto your hats, folks, because this season, we went full-on mad scientist mode with our robot! Picture ...

    ashley.johnson - 05/14/2024 - 11:07am

  7. FIRST Alumni Spotlight: Peyton Fitzgerald

    FIRST  Alum Peyton Fitzgerald is from FIRST Robotics Competition Team  5459 T.I.G.E.R.S. in ...

    mlong - 10/02/2017 - 8:58am

  8. Roboticon

    power of hands on, mentor driven youth engineering and robotics programs like FIRST, and to provide ...

    bcox - 10/02/2017 - 4:40pm

  9. FIRST Alumna Spotlight: Sarah Rudasill

    FIRST Alum Sarah Rudasill, from FIRST Robotics Competition Team 4266, the New Oxford GhostBotics, ...

    mlong - 01/22/2018 - 3:21pm

  10. Home Intro

    future through a suite of life-changing youth robotics programs that build skills, confidence, and ...

    ssuryadevara - 11/20/2023 - 12:43pm