FIRST Alumni Handbook

F I R S T ® A L U M N I H A N D B O O K Dear FIRST ® alum, Welcome to the rest of your life! You may be thinking, “I miss FIRST .” The good news is this: As a FIRST alum, you are part of the FIRST community for life. We’re here for you when you need us (and we give great high fives when you’ve got something to celebrate). You may be about to graduate high school, a recent grad, or looking to make a career change. You may be wondering, “What should I do next?” Enlist in a public service? Pursue a degree? Seek opportunities in a new industry? Get a skilled trade certification? That’s a deeply personal question, one only you can answer. But the good news here is that your FIRST experience and network can help you find a meaningful, fulfilling career by pursuing any of those paths. We’ve designed this handbook as a resource for you and your entire network of FIRST alumni. We’ll share tips, advice, and stories from your fellow FIRST alumni to help you make the most of your FIRST experience. We’ll also share how you can stay connected to your robot friends – and keep the inspiration flowing – through the FIRST community. If you want more of what you see throughout the handbook, be sure to check out the appendix for some great online resources and deeper dives. We’ve included QR codes for easy access to the URLs from your phone. We’d love your feedback on the FIRST Alumni Handbook. Send your thoughts to . Peace, love, and robots, Your friends at FIRST