FIRST Alumni Handbook
F I R S T ® A L U M N I H A N D B O O K Be sure your dashboard account is under your active email so we can stay in touch and share news, tips, and opportunities. The dashboard is also your place to register FIRST teams, become an event volunteer, and log your volunteer hours. STAY CONNECTED Your FIRST network isn’t limited to your former teammates or friends you met at events. There are FIRST alumni all around the world who share your passions and experience with our community – people who have also uttered the phrase, “I can’t... I have robotics,” more times than they can count. Joining a FIRST alumni group is the easiest way to connect with FIRST alumni wherever you are. The FIRST Alumni Networking Group on LinkedIn was designed to connect FIRST alumni to one another for education and career guidance, mentorship, and opportunities. Local FIRST alumni groups have grown across the world to engage and support FIRST alumni on college campuses, in regional areas, and at companies. Join or start a group at .
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