FIRST Alumni Handbook

PAG E 2 4 ACE YOUR INTERVIEWS As FIRST alum, many industry leaders want to hire you for your problem-solving, critical thinking, and digital literacy skills. It’s important that you communicate your experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities on your job application and in your interview. FIRST Strategic Partners Dow and Qualcomm offer great advice on their websites to help you succeed. Here are just a few of their tips: Your experiences beyond your previous work roles are important. Use your volunteer and extracurricular activities to highlight your accomplishments. For your interview, have a few personal stories in mind that demonstrate your skills, experience, and style. These “behavioral” interview questions help a potential employer understand your capabilities and fit. And finally, send (or email) a follow-up note and thank you. Expressing your interest in the position and appreciation to the hiring team for their time can never hurt. Your recruiter can forward your message along to the team. It’s helpful to talk about your FIRST experience in your interviews, not only because it’s relevant, but because you may discover your interviewer is part of the FIRST community, too.