FIRST Alumni Handbook

F I R S T ® A L U M N I H A N D B O O K CHOOSING YOUR CAREER PATHWAY Meaningful, fulfilling, and good-paying careers are available no matter what pathway you choose after high school. While certain jobs require higher levels of education, there is growing demand for professionals to fill jobs in the middle of the labor market, such as manufacturing, machinery operation, inspection, electronics, mechanics, and healthcare technicians. Opportunities abound in these “middle skills” careers, which require more than a high school education, such as a certification or apprenticeship, but less than a four-year college degree. These careers are more advanced and safer than they once were, requiring a whole range of skills, from advanced technology and digital literacy to problem solving and teamwork – skills you have as a FIRST alum. Many companies are eager to hire FIRST alumni to fill these roles. M I D D L E - S K I L L S J O B O P P O R T U N I T I E S of the U.S. labor market is middle-skills jobs 53% of U.S. workers are trained to the middle-skills level 43%