FIRST Alumni Handbook

PAG E 16 Some FIRST alumni pursue public service after graduating high school. FIRST alum Amanda Pham says the strong role models she met through FIRST sparked her passion for volunteerism: “I have fond memories of the volunteers I encountered. I remember the FIRST ® LEGO ® League referee who danced at our table, the judge who told us she stood on a chair to vouch for my team, and the passionate partners and directors who never ceased to love their work.” After graduating high school, Amanda applied to be a national service member with AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America), a U.S. program that works to alleviate poverty by finding, training, and supporting full-time volunteers to build capacity for nonprofit organizations. She was even able to serve with FIRST as part of her service. After her service ends, Amanda plans to get her bachelor’s degree and pursue a career in the non-profit sector.